We reached our goal of sponsoring every child!

Thank you so much!

Our “Light the World” December campaign was successful getting each and every child sponsored for their education and lunches for the 2023-2024 school year. Watch for the next sponsorship fundraiser that will take place in December 2024!

Now our fundraising can focus on raising money for digging a well, erecting a fence around the school grounds, raising the roof of the smaller classroom and getting some playground equipment delivered to the school.

Check out our “School Roster” page to see photos of all our students for this school year!

Learn More

  • The cost of a child's education for a full year is $50. For school lunches, the cost is $5 per month or $45 for the school year. We will be opening up the sponsorship for the kids again on Giving Tuesday-the end of November. This is such a fun way to donate to our school.

  • Our general fund goes toward long-term goals, like digging a well, and building a fence surrounding the school property, and short-term goals such as painting the school and shipping school supplies. You can donate anytime, all year round!

  • At checkout, we’ll ask for your address so that we can send a thank you postcard!

  • If you want to make payment through Venmo, check, or cash rather than pay through the website, please choose a child (or more) and contact Jan and she will help you through the process (435-840-0108).

  • Our school relies on the support of this program, and your contribution truly makes a difference!

Donation Opportunities