About Us

Our humble beginnings

Pangaea Foundation began in 2014 after our family took a trip to Oromia, Ethiopia. Shortly after the trip, our family knew we needed to build a small elementary school in the countryside, Oromia on our family’s property. We were caught off guard by how many children in this region did not attend school due to the fact that the nearest elementary school is 14 kilometers away. Due to this, many of the younger kids don’t attend school. By the time they are old enough to walk to the nearest school, they have already missed the fundamental concepts and thus feel frustrated and stop attending school altogether.

We started the paperwork to create a non-profit organization and began saving some money to go toward building a classroom. By 2015, we felt we could wait no longer. Rundassa made some phone calls to coordinate with his sister Buzu to hire construction workers and a carpenter and the work began to build our one-room classroom! This is how it all began and the school has been open to educating 50-140 children in the area since January 2016.

One-room school being built in 2015

Akko (Grandma) surrounded by kids registering for school for the 1st time.